Monday, March 30, 2009

Last Week . . . This Week

Last week,  we were having wonderful Spring weather in Tennessee.  

Are these daffys beautiful or what? 
Daffodils are my absolute favorite flower.  Good thing since they are also my birthday month (March) flower.  I love traveling the country when they are bursting out along the highways.  In some states they are carefully planted and tended and in others, they simply spring up on their own.  
I love them all.  
I love them cut and fragrant as well as growing in damp dark soil.  
They sing out that it is time for Spring.

Today, this is what is outside my window . . . 

I can only call this - Not Spring.
We are shut down in Wyoming.  Snow behind us and snow in front of us blocking the way to Portland, Oregon.

I am cold.

1 comment:

The Daily Rant said...

I love the snow! Wanna trade places? I'm in sunny California. :)

Just wanted to let you know - I added you to my blogroll!

Stay warm!